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Achieve More with Android Inside

The pay TV industry has been challenged by the OTT video platforms which attracted the customers with their flexible offerings, affordability and faster rate of innovation. The Video service providers are under pressure to innovate their offerings to provide a unified experience of Pay TV, OTT, and IPTV. Moreover, its time that video operators future-proof their services by turning the STB into the central controller hub of the household and fulfill the role of a super-aggregator by tapping into the synergies and demands of IoT, Smarthome, AR/VR, and AI.
Why is Android TV the answer to operators’ woes?
1. Minimize cost and reduction in time-to-market
Android TV’s flexibility and ease of adoption, provides pay tv operators the privilege to quickly position themselves in a superior way, giving the cord-cutters a run for their money.
A) Customization of Operator Tier Launcher
With custom Android TV’s Operator Tier launcher, operators can harness pre-coded middleware, drastically reducing time to market, while replacing the standard launcher with one of their own to differentiate the UX.
B) Migration of third-party apps from Android Mobile Play Store
With easy customization of Google’s Pre Core and Post Core modules and identified components, Android TV video operators can choose to select from ready-made features such as Google assist API and services and access to third-party apps such as Netflix, Amazon etc.
C) Enhanced integrated content security with open-source Widevine CAS
By implementing a simplified, certified and validated AndroidTV workflow video operators can empower next-generation video experiences with a free-to-use CAS ecosystem, enabling simultaneous hybrid content delivery.
2. Improved Customer Experience & Reduce Churn
Customers now expect more than a fully stocked asset library. Customer experience enhanced by seamless toggle between “traditional TV” and handhelds, personalization and content discovery, is the next criteria after content to improve stickiness.
A) Provide Unified Experience with Hybrid deployment of Pay TV, OTT, and IPTV
With research-based strategy consulting to identify, build, operate and optimize Android TV deployment, video operators can win the game of screens by being the single source to access content available over all sections of the media.
B) Customized Over-The-Air updates
With ready OTA components such as promo management, user management, firmware management etc., operators can opt for faster deployments of frequent Android version updates. Customers can be assured of viewing all their content with the latest feature enhancements.
C) Universal Content Search and Recommendation
A universal content discovery and recommendation engine across all content provider increase customer convenience and reduces churn.
D) Customized services
An intelligent cognitive video analytics solution can offer insights to improve customer experience and generate newer avenues of monetization. Video operators can reduce churn with personalization as it will give the power to the operator to roll out customized services with curated content, UX alterations, etc by tapping into subscriber usage data.
E) In-built chromecast, the smartphone as a games controller
With Android TV, customers can cast their mobile, tab or laptop screens onto their TV sets and enjoy a better viewing experience instantly. Also, gaming as an experience is elevated when accessed and played on a bigger screen
3. Broader Opportunities beyond Media– Future-proof the STB
Video Service providers are privileged to be in spot to manoeuvre and monetize from new adjacencies such as IoT, Smart Home, AR/VR, connected car, etc.
A) Voice Integration
The recent addition of voice controls with Google Home shows how rapidly AndroidTV is proving to be beneficial for the Operators. The integration of voice assistance can improve customer experience with better content discovery, self-help options, security response and empower people with disabilities. A virtual call center assistance can reduce the cost of the operators for operational workflow. Voice integration with user and network management solution can expedite deployment, enhancing CX.
B) Ad Monetization
Integration of an Ad solution framework can help video operators monetize from their services.
C) IoT, Smart home, AR/VR, AI Integration
Operators can leverage the vast ecosystem of Android developers and standardized apps to provide value-added services linked to IoT, Smart Home, AR/VR, AI, connected car, etc. Operators can provide this unified experience of entertainment and home automation with an IoT backend integration solution backed by certifications, compliance, QC and automation.
Android TV provides the perfect solution of a hybrid platform during this transition period as well as ensures future monetization opportunities. An end-to-end AndroidTV integration partner powered by AI test automation, analytics, and next-gen feature support can accelerate the launch cycle and put the operators back at the center of the smart box. Operators can win at the game of customer attention and retention by adopting Google’s milestone evolution for the TV industry –AndroidTV.