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KYC Updation

Pursuant to the circular issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (in short “SEBI”), investors holding shares in physical mode are required to register / update their details regarding PAN, KYC, specimen signature, bank details and Nomination with the listed entity by 31st March 2023.
It is mandatory to register / update details / information pertaining to PAN, KYC, signature and Nomination. You may note that the Company / RTA shall not process any service request, unless the KYC details are updated. Failure to update the PAN, KYC and Nomination details by 31st March 2023 shall result in freezing of such physical folios/holdings.
The Company / the RTA recommends the updation of above information / details for the following reasons:
- Facilitating timely and secured receipt of dividends;
- Ensuring regular and timely delivery of correspondences and facilitating e-communication to notify relevant information on immediate basis;
- Ensuring that no documents are undelivered and returned back to the Company / the RTA;
- Paving way for direct interaction with the investors in case of any clarifications and updates;
- Ensuring secured access of information to shareholders by the way of signature verification / registration in the database and
- Ease of transmitting the shares to legal heirs through nomination.
What is the action required?
Step 1: Firstly, you may reach out to the RTA / the Company to check whether your PAN, KYC and Nomination details are updated.
Step 2:
In case you hold shares in Tata Elxsi Limited in physical mode either in your name or jointly with another person and have not registered / updated the details of PAN, KYC and Nomination, then you are required to register / update such details with the Company / TSR Consultants Private Limited, the Registrar and Share Transfer Agent (“the RTA”). You may refer further in the FAQ for more details.
In case you hold shares in Tata Elxsi Limited in physical mode either in your name or jointly with another person and the details pertaining to PAN, KYC and Nomination are updated in the records of the RTA / the Company, then you are not required to register the same again. In case you wish to edit/modify your existing details, then you may refer further in the FAQ for updating the same.
In January 2022, an intimation was sent out by the Company to the investors whose details on PAN, KYC and Nomination were not updated and were not available in the records of the RTA. You may refer to the said correspondence as well, for more details on the same.
What needs to be registered / updated?
You are mandatorily required to update the following information / details with the RTA / the Company in the specified formats stated hereinbelow: Information / details to be updated Form reference 1. Permanent Account Number (PAN), Contact details viz. Postal Address, E-mail address, Mobile number, Bank account details. Form ISR-1 2. Specimen signature Form ISR-2 3. Details of Nomination
Declaring to opt-out of nomination
Registration of nominee details
Cancellation / change of nominee details
Form ISR-3
Form SH-13
Form SH-14
The Forms* for updation of PAN, KYC and Nomination can be downloaded by clicking the links below. You may either download the forms in pdf mode or in fillable mode as given under. The submission of forms in either way is accepted by the RTA / the Company.
- You are required to fill in the necessary details against the fields like the category of updation/name of the investor, folio details, distinctive numbers, e-mail address and mobile number as provided in the forms.
- You are also required to enclose the necessary supporting documents required, which are stated explicitly in the Forms. All the information forming part of the Forms must match with the supporting documents.
- After filling up the forms, you are required to submit the Forms and the supporting documents to the RTA / the Company.
- After scrutiny of documents, the RTA / the Company may either update the details accordingly or call for further information / documentation with revisions in the submitted forms, as may be warranted.
*The forms are self-explanatory in nature and instructions for filling up are provided in the respective forms. Form Reference Pdf form Fillable form 1. Form ISR-1 Form ISR-1 Form ISR-1 2. Form ISR-2 Form ISR-2 Form ISR-2 3. Form ISR-3 Form ISR-3 Form ISR-3 4. Form SH-13 Form SH-13 Form SH-13 5. Form SH-14 Form SH-14 Form SH-14 You may reach out to the RTA / the Company in case you have any clarifications in filling up your details in the forms.
What is the mode of submission?
You may submit the Forms and supporting documents through any of the following modes:
Submission of documents in hard copy:
You may submit the duly filled complete set of documents, either through courier or in-person by visiting the office of our Registrar and Share Transfer Agent at their below address:
MUFG Intime India Private Limited (Formerly known as Link Intime India Private Limited)
C-101, 1st Floor, 247 Park | Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg | Vikhroli (West) | Mumbai - 400 083.
Tel: +91 22 6656 8484 | Fax: +91 22 6656 8494
Please note that after you send the documents through courier, kindly send an e-mail marked to and mentioning the dispatch details of courier.
Through electronic mode:
You may submit the duly filled complete set of scanned documents with e-sign* through e-mail. Please note that documents received only from the registered e-mail address of the shareholders will be considered. The documents received from e-mail address of brokers and third parties will not be entertained.
In case of submission of documents through electronic mode, you may send the documents to and
Alternatively, you may upload the documents on the website of our RTA.
*e-Sign is an integrated service which facilitates issuing a Digital Signature Certificate and performing signing of requested data by e-sign user. You may approach any of the empanelled e-sign Service providers available on for the purpose of obtaining e-sign.
What is the deadline for submission?
The details pertaining to PAN, KYC and Nomination are required to be registered / updated by 31st March 2023, being the last date specified by SEBI.
You are required to submit the relevant forms duly filled up and signed along with the supporting documentation on or before 28th February 2023*, being the last date specified by the Company for submission of documents.
Documents received after the Cut-Off date may be accepted by the Company / RTA if there were sufficient causes to be proven for the delay in submission of documents.
*The dates stated hereinabove are tentative in nature and maybe amended from time to time subject to further circulars of Securities and Exchange Board of India.
Are Nomination details required to be updated, if the KYC details are updated?
SEBI through its circular dated 3rd November 2021 has mandated furnishing of Nomination details with the RTA / the Company. It is imperative to update nomination details for shares held in physical form, to ease the process of transmission of shares and accruing rights to the legal heirs.
In addition to the KYC details, you are requested to update nomination details, by following the below steps:
1.Download, fill and submit duly filled up Form SH-13, in case you wish to appoint a nominee.
2.Download, fill and submit duly filled up Form ISR-3, in case you wish to opt-out of nomination. (i.e., you do not wish to appoint a nominee.)
An intimation to the RTA / the Company is mandatory to be made through the above-mentioned forms. Further, you may update the cancellation / change in nominee to the RTA / the Company in Form SH-14.
Linking of PAN & Aadhar – What should be done?
The Central Board of Direct Tax (“CBDT”) has specified 31st March 2023, as the date by which investors should mandatorily link their PAN & Aadhar. You are requested to kindly link your PAN & Aadhar by 31st March 2023. You may visit the link for more details.
What are the consequences of non-compliance?
a. In accordance with the SEBI circular dated 03rd November 2021, physical folios which are non-KYC compliant as on 31st March 2023 shall be frozen w.e.f. 1st April 2023.
b. Investors holding shares in the frozen folios shall not be entitled to dividends and accruing benefits unless the PAN, KYC and nomination details are submitted.
c. Any service requests / complaints pertaining to the frozen folios shall not be entertained unless the specified information / details viz. PAN, KYC and Nomination details are registered.
d. The shares lying in such frozen folios shall be referred by the RTA / listed company to the administering authority under the Benami Transactions (Prohibitions) Act, 1988 and or Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002, if they continue to remain frozen as on 31st December 2025.
What is the actionable to make the folios compliant?
a. In case your folio gets frozen, you are necessarily required to submit details pertaining to PAN, KYC, Signature specimen and Nomination.
b. Upon submission of necessary documents/information and after scrutiny with enhanced due diligence, the details of PAN and KYC will be updated against the physical folio.
c. After the status of the physical folio is restored, the unclaimed/unpaid dividends pending with the Company shall be credited through electronic remittance.
What are the contact details in case of any clarifications?
You may write to the Company’s RTA / the Company at the below correspondence details, by duly quoting your folio number, name and clear description of your clarification:
MUFG Intime India Private Limited (Formerly known as Link Intime India Private Limited)
Unit: Tata Elxsi Limited
C-101, 1st Floor, 247 Park | Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg | Vikhroli (West) | Mumbai - 400 083.
Tel: +91 22 6656 8484 | Fax: +91 22 6656 8494
Tata Elxsi Limited
Investor Services department
ITPB Road, Whitefield,
Bangalore - 560 048Tel.: 080 2297 9123